Nutrition Coaching

Nutrition Coaching


Nutrition Analysis + 4 Weeks Custom Nutrition Coaching

Nutrition Analysis + 4-weeks Custom Nutrition Coaching : $550 (includes any applicable tax)

Optimize your performance through sound nutrition practices that are designed specifically for your individual needs and goals.

How would we work together?
1 - Strategy Session - A free 15 to 20-minute phone call to answer questions.
2—Intake Form—The athlete completes a comprehensive intake form that includes a description of any current nutrition challenges related to training and racing.
3—Nutrition Analysis—The athlete is provided access to a comprehensive nutrition database to log food intake and exercise for seven days.
4 - Nutrition Coaching Session - After completing the nutrition analysis, we have a Zoom coaching session to discuss recommendations and next steps.
5—Nutrition Plan—The athlete is given a plan to follow for two weeks. This plan will include suggested meals, nutrition timing throughout the day, and workout nutrition and hydration goals.
6—Follow-up Coaching Session—After 2 weeks, we have another Zoom coaching session to discuss how things are going and make any necessary edits to the plan.


  • My goal is for you to leave our time together with a sustainable nutrition plan that is easy for you to carry out after our coaching sessions are complete.

  • There is unlimited email and text communication between our coaching calls.

I’m looking forward to working with you!

Coach Michele, ISSA-SFN, CFNC

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